All series of renowned TSCHAN Couplings, globally leading in the field of non-shiftable mechanical shaft couplings, are now available under the strong brand RINGFEDER. These high-performance couplings have proven themselves for decades in demanding heavy-duty applications, e.g., in the steel and metal industry, building and construction machinery, material handling, diesel-electric engineering, power generation, mining equipment and special drive technology solutions.
RINGFEDER shaft couplings (formerly TSCHAN) are designed for connecting two shafts in all industries. They are used in many machines, from small precision instruments and machines to heavy drives in conveyor system drives, cranes and other highly stressed drives in the steel, paper, chemical and rubber industries.
- Elastomer Jaw Couplings TNM
- Elastomer Jaw Couplings TNS
- Elastomer Jaw Couplings TNB
- Steel Disc Couplings TND
- Gear Couplings TNZ
- Barrel Couplings TNK
- Torsional High flex Couplings TNR
- Safety Couplings TNT
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